
Hi I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to fake school one day?

by  |  earlier

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  1. well if it is before school then just eat breakfast and start choking on wut ever u are eating then run to the bathroom and tell ur mom that u puked (u didnt reli have to) then just ly around and say that u dont fell goood. If you are at school tell the teacher u dont feel good then start holding ur breath and walk really fast all the way to the nurses then your temperature will be higher if that doesnt work just puke on her shoes!

  2. well education is very important

  3. take a really really hot and long shower before school . you will feel queasy and throw up. you may pass out so make sure your with someone. be careful and i hope you have a good reason.

    p.s. eat before so you have something to throw up

  4. Fake a fever:  cut an onion in half and peel it.  Place it under your armpits for like 2-6 hours, I suggest while your sleeping

  5. i just say my stomach hurts......your mom doesnt no if you really feel sick or not in the wtf? who cares

  6. grow up!!!:)

  7. swallow a bit of toothpaste when you brush your teeth. its gross but youll throw up.

  8. orange juice and milk

  9. stick your finger in the back of your throat. it will make you gag and eventually throw up

  10. do what bulemics to! touch your thing that looks like a punching bag in the back of your throat!

  11. Why?

    Anyway tell your parents they will help you out.

  12. stick your fingers down your throat...

  13. go somewhere else and make one of your friends with a believable deep voice call you in sick . . . rehearse the call before making the call, that way you can make it believable . . .  I don't know of anything else other than making up a stomach problem

  14. you could always buy ipecack, sorry i know i spelled it wrong, but it will make you throw up.

  15. put a thermomoter on a light blub or use blue cheese dressing to make it look like throw up :]

  16. drink gone bad milk or something you hate

  17. If u really want to be sick u could always put some eyedrops in a glass water. That'll give u the liquid poo for

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