
Hi I am what part of Mexico is Puerto Rico located? south or central?

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Hi I am what part of Mexico is Puerto Rico located? south or central?




  1. Neither.

    Puerto Rico is part of the United States.

    Get out a map.  or Google Puerto Rico.  Or use Yahoo search engine.

    warning.....personal opinion coming....

    this is pretty sad that you had to ask this question.

  2. I hope your Joking?????? Puerto Rico is soverign Island country.

  3. If you were really an American, then you would have used an capital A in spelling American.

  4. I really hope you're joking.

  5. Puerto Rico is south of Florida, sandwiched between the Carribean and the Gulf of Mexico.  It's an island.  It's not part of Mexico, or even closely related to Mexico.  The language dialect is completely different than Mexico.  As a matter of fact, Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory.


  7. Puerto Rico is an American territory. It is not located in Mexico. It is an island south of Florida.

  8. No you are not. You must be kidding.

    First of all, puerto rico is an island in caribbean.

    Second, there is google maps !

  9. What the...? Oh now I get it, you are being sarcastic right? They only make your point stronger as they can't even tell when someone is being sarcastic.

  10. Puerto Rico is not in Mexico, it's off the coast of Florida. It is an island and an American territory.

  11. Sorry, Michael.  PR is not a sovereign nation. It is a Commonweal in free association with the USA.  It's citizens are full citizens of the USA,

  12. You're an American who never studied geography! Puerto Rico is NOT in Mexico. It's in the Caribbean near Cuba.

  13. GET A GRIP

  14. Directions to Puerto RIco

    You go straight  and turn Left....Keep going about 3 miles

    Then take a slight right and turn to your  second right on the left....keep going about 2 and a half miles...

    you then will see a CVS on the left  turn there and keep going straight until you see the signs that say Boat Ferry...

    Keep driving until you find the Boat get on it and sail for 45 minutes... Sail Northeast...

    You will then See  some Mango Trees  park your Boat there

    and Finally YOu are in Puerto Rico!!!!

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