
Hi. I am looking for persian poem that deals with forgiveness. Thank you. Ale?

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I used to havea very dear friend who is Persian. He feels that I have betrayed his friendship and states he hates me. I will never hate him and although I realize he will never come around, I feel he needs to let go of these feelings as they are only hurtful for him. There is a poem, I believe, that speaks of Spring and the promises it brings. It also states that there are so few springs in our lives, we need to enjoy every single one and embrace it with love. I have heard persian is a very beautiful and poetic language and perhaps those words may express that love needs to fill his heart and hate needs to dissipate as it is only harmful to him. Thank you very much. Ale




  1. Have you read The Rubaiyat,Omar Khyyam?

    It's on wiki.

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