
Hi I am physically Disabled Do you think can anyone love me and like me despite of my condition?

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Hi I am physically Disabled Do you think can anyone love me and like me despite of my condition?




  1. The beauty inside is what really counts.  The outside appearance fades, but the kindness in the heart, the purity in thoughts, and the righteousness in the soul lingers around through eternity.

  2. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have been happily married for several years now and he loves me for who I am not for what I have.   And when he said "in sickness and in health"  he actually laughed and reworded it to say "in sickness and more sickness"  because he know I was never going to get better.

    They are out there, some times they are hard to find though.

    Don't give up.

  3. that depends, do you know any good places to dine out?

  4. yes... i am sure.

  5. Of course!!!! everybody loves someone! and plus love is blind! remeber that

  6. My niece has been in love with a disabled man for 18 years. She's a beautiful girl and never cheated on him. She has had many opportunities to cheat but she loves just one lucky man.

    Your disability is only part of who you are.

    Don't let it stop you from making the first move when you meet a woman you like. We all get rejected for different reasons. Don't take it too hard when it happens. If you keep trying you'll eventually succeed

  7. Absolutely! Look at examples like Christopher Reeves and Stephen Hawking. Both have had women love and care for them when they were almost completely incapacitated.

    Love can transcend things like disabilities and such.

    Having said that, though, it is a lot harder to meet someone when you have certain disabilities. Have you considered trying to find a date online?

    I suggest that because when you deal with someone in that way, physicality doesn't enter the picture. And if you ever make a special connection, you can be upfront about your condition. If it turns them away, they're not the right person for you anyway.

    Also, there is this site for people with certain medical conditions that allows you to find people more understanding of things like disabilities. is a site that specifically caters to people with disabilities trying to find love.

    It's not impossible. Don't give up hope.

  8. Of course, their are tons of disabled people and they all have had no problem finding love.  Ignore the shallow people who say no, they don't know what love is.

  9. Look up Nick Vujivic. He's a guy with no arms or legs from Australia that decided to make the best of his life.

    Millions of people love him and like him because he's an inspiration.

  10. Yes. Loving someone doesn't have to do with disabilities.

  11. love is especially for the inside they can love u and ur personality

  12. of course! Love is blind. It doesn't matter what you look like. If it does then it can't be called 'love'.

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