
Hi I got B, B, D at AS level i was wondering if i could still apply for a law course which asks for an A,A,B?

by  |  earlier

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I hope that i can turn the B's into A's and if i work really hard the D into a B




  1. Universities are a lot more strict in the filtering process to get onto a course there.

    It's not like GCSE's and applying for A-levels, you NEED to have the required grades stated to even be considered.

    Even if you do have the required grades, there can still be a selection process in which if there is only so many places available, then they'll look for the better candidate as well.

    So in response to your question, No, you couldn't.

    So I'd also like to add that if your applying for another Uni course, you'll know that meeting the pre-requisite grades isn't enough aswell.

  2. I got a BCD at AS and i got a BBD at A2.

    Its not impossible to get your grades up, but A2 is alot harder which is why your teachers urge you to do well in AS because the marks are easier to get. I would recommend you retake a few modules at AS to pull your grade up and work really hard for A2. As for applying for a course which is ABB i don't see why you can't. But do prepare a backup just in case too. Goodluck.  

  3. Yes you can, but they will very probably not accept you. Law courses are so competitive that your AS grades and your GCSE's are taken into account even more so than your predicted grades, because you actually have them.

    So yes, you can apply but it is unlikely that you will be accepted onto a high demand course, if it is at a popular university. A less popular university would be more inclined to accept you and offer a conditional place, but as you only have 3 AS levels and not even 4, I might try a different subject which is not so competitive and academically challenging.

  4. No you cannot, they are called prerequisites for a reason. If you don't make the cut than you cannot participate in the course.

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