
Hi. I have 4 sparrows hatching in my kitchen... help me please!?

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#I intend on giving them to a wildlife rescue but its the middle of the night and i don't know what to do.

#there is no chance of the mother coming back so i have to hatch them.

#I don't know what to feed them.

#I have them under a 40 watt lamp and in a box with kleenex.

#I would like MARGECUTTER to answer this please! I think she would know what to do.

#Anyone though... PLEASE HELP!




  1. sparrows are not a protected species and you may have a difficult time finding a rehabber to take them.  If they have successfully hatched then they need to be kept warm, they will eat a dog food based diet to start.   go to for all the info you will need to help you through this....

  2. Do not give milk.  They are allergic and will die.  Some water from a dropper.  They eat seeds but not as babies.  I'm going to take a chance and say that softened oatmeal should be fairly neutral, not bread.  Rice pablum if you had it!

  3. Marge would have told you to leave the eggs alone.  I can guarantee it.

    There is nothing you can do.  Birds don't eat at night.  Take them to a licensed wildlife rehabber immediately in the morning.

    Check this link for worldwide listings:

    In the US, rehabilitation is regulated by the Federal government and State DNR (Dept of Natural Resources), or Dept of Fish and Game. Services are free to the public, as all native wild birds are protected by federal law.

    There are several sites with listing of rehabbers, although the easiest way to find one is to search Yahoo! or Google for "wildlife rehabilitation" + your state (try both full and abbreviated). Also search on DNR or DFG + rehabilitation + your state.

    You may be able to find a contact for a nearby rehabber through your local humane society, animal shelter, or police department.

    Links are also available on these sites:

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