
Hi I have a crazy headache that will not go away I am pregnant and I don't know what to do please help?

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that will not go away I am pregnant and I don't know what to do please help?




  1. Try some apple juice. It's an old remedy for head aches and completely safe during pregnancy, especially if you don't want to take any medication. You can take Tylenol. However, if you are still having a head ache and it is joined by dizziness or any change in vision you should see your doctor because it could be a sign of something more serious.  

  2. You can take Tylenol, that is a safe drug to take during pregnancy. If you don't want to do that, have some peppermint tea, put a cold pack over your head, and take a nap in a darkened room.  

  3. Tylenol Extra Strength... Only thing you can take.. Good luck!!!  

  4. take some tylenol...its the safest thing to take for headache when you are pregnant. headaches are normal with pregnancy, some women even get more frequent migraines. headaches generally start to increase at about 12 weeks or so. the best thing you can do to avoid headaches is to keep well hydrated and rested. also exercise can really help, and eating well, of course.

    sometimes severe headaches can indicate preecplampsia...

    if you get any of these symptoms:

        * Severe headaches

        * Changes in vision, including temporary loss of vision, blurred vision or light sensitivity

        * Upper abdominal pain, usually under the ribs on the right side

        * Nausea or vomiting

        * Dizziness

        * Decreased urine output

        * Sudden weight gain, typically more than 2 pounds a week

    call your doctor right away because preeclampsia can be pretty serious.  usually preeclampsia doesn't start until the 3rd trimester though, so if you're still in the first half of your pregnancy its really probably just a headache.

    without any other symptoms, a headache is just a headache. :(

    hope you feel better!  

  5. Try drinking a big glass of water.  You may simply be a bit dehydrated.

    You can take Tylenol/acetaminophen as a painkiller if you'd like.

    Try alternating between cold packs and warm packs on your forehead.


  6. I wouldn’t take anything without calling your doc first. Unfortunately pregnancy can cause headaches. Isn’t that lovely?  

  7. the only thing I know that you can safely take is Tylenol. My OB suggested Tylenol PM rapid release jell caps which didn't work too well with my headaches, but made me drowsy enough to sleep them off. I would avoid herbal teas unless it's late or you intend to sleep because they relax your muscles and make it easier for you to get injured if you move around a lot. The water suggestion does actually help a lot because you dehydrate really fast and may not even realize it. I just try to sleep off my headaches, though I know it's hard to do so sometimes.  

  8. I had migraines while pregnant and here's what worked and was doctor approved.  Besides the Tylenol:  I know the "no caffeine" rule but one cup of strong coffee (or a soda or tea) won't hurt you and the caffeine will make the headache go away fast.  Bright lights, heat, and noises will make it worse, obviously.  Drinking lots of water helps too.  Sometimes a few crackers and a banana would help me too.  The potassium in the banana always helped me whenever I felt sick or had a headache while pregnant.  Hope this helps!

  9. take some tylenol and lay down.

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