
Hi I have an item for sale on craigslist..and got this response today. he never mentioned what the "item" is

by  |  earlier

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it sounds fishy to me..Here is the post please tell me if it sounds fishy to anyone does to me..


Thanks for getting back to me,am interested in your item and i will like to buy this item from okay with the price listed for your item...So please do withdraw the advert.I will also like you to know that i will be paying via Certified Bank Check drawn directly from my bank due distance i am.I will need you to provide me with the following information to facilitate the mailing of the check today.

.Your full name

.Your mailing address(residential)

.your city and state with zipcode

.Your phone number.

I will like you to know that you will not be responsible for

shipping,i will have my shipper come over as soon as you have cashed

the check.....Await your response as soon as possible.Thanks

Please note that the payment will be made out immediately i get

your information. So that they can make delivery of the payment via ups or dhl courier service on time. When its time for the pick up, You will have to let me know the exact time and day my shipper can make the pick up of this item ..

Your early response will be highly appreciated.





  1. This is a classic scam that's been making the rounds for years. Delete the email. Ignore any further requests such as this.

    The check he will send you is no good. By the time your bank discovers it's no good and comes after you for the money, the "courier" will be long gone with your item.

  2. You did say that you had an item for sale? By what means are buyers supposed to contact you? If you have more than 1 item for sale, send him back message requesting which item he is interested in. Was there any item that could be shipped by ups? Did he tell his name? Is " craigslist" anything like eBay? If so check his profile about buying and selling through there. If it is a legit buy he would need your name and address to send payment unless you use a pay-pal type account.


  3. It's a scam. It's either someone running a scam where they write you a check for more than the item and ask you to provide the refund, or someone trying to get your address to come rob you.

    I suggest you ignore it and/or suggest what they can do with themselves.

    You can always tell scams, poor grammer, pronouns not capitalized, weird formatting, lack of specifics, overly elaborate word usage "Certified Bank Check Drawn on My Bank" vs "Cashiers Check." or language that wouldn't be expected from someone who speaks english among other things.

  4. It sounds like a complete scam! Don't reply, don't give out your information, don't do anything concerning this person! The check will end up being bad and you'll be the one that takes the loss. It definitely sounds like one of those Nigerian scams.

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