
Hi I have build a yubel deck and need some help. Please give me some tips on changes.?

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This is my deck

yubel x3

Yubel - Terror Incarnate x2

Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare x1

Mystic Tomato x3

sangan x1

treeborn Frog x1

Spirit Reaper x1

necro gardna x2


snipe hunter x1

doom shaman x1

The Calculator x2

monster reborn x1

Smashing Ground x1

swords of reviling light x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

hevy storm x1

primature burial x1

lightning vortex x1


Reasoning x2

foolish burial x1

Fires of Doomsday x2

Staunch Defender x2

Generation_Shift x2

Limit Reverse x2

mirror force x1




  1. Monsters: 21

    3 Doom Shaman

    1 Snipe Hunter

    2 Armageddon Knight

    3 Mystic Tomato

    1 Sangan

    1 Necro Gardna

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Treeborn Frog

    2 The Calculator

    3 Yubel

    2 Yubel - Terror Incarnate

    1 Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare

    Spells: 13

    2 Allure of Darkness

    2 Foolish Burial

    2 Offerings to the Doomed

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Brain Control

    1 Swing of Memories

    2 Fires of Doomsday

    Traps: 8

    2 Limit Reverse

    2 Generation Shift

    2 Staunch Defender

    1 Metal Reflect Slime

    1 Torrential Tribute

    Total: 42 cards

  2. Add in metal reflect slimes and another calculator. They work well together and with the yubel stratigy. Also dark illusion works well with keeping your yubels on the field.

  3. if you use metal reflect slime get rid of tree born frog. ppl tend to force it in decks too much. if you have more than 3 or even 2 continuous magic or trap the tree born frog doesnt work as well as it should. just my opinion, i seen ppl force it in for random reasons and it never worked out for them. i always laughed at them when they wouldnt listen. how many times do you have to fail treeborn to figure out it doesnt work in your deck? it works better in swarm decks.

  4. I would use armageddon knight over foolish burial.  I would also take out frog for another armageddon knight.  You could also drop swords.

    Armageddon knights would work really well in this deck, or you could use dark grepher.

    Your deck looks like it solely relies on calculator to attack.  So I would add another reasoning in so Yubel would be summoned faster.  I prefer destruction ring over generation shift because you use reasonings for summoning Yubel, generation shift would get them to your hand preventing you from summoning it from the deck by reasoning.

  5. This deck looks really good.  I'm not too familiar with this setup, but I think you need at least 1 more Doom Shaman, and 1 more each of the Terror Incarnate and Ultimate Nightmare.

  6. 1 more Doom Shaman +2 causis  the shadow monarch

    -2 the Calculator +3 petin the dark clown, for the shadow monarch -1 Reasoning +1 foollish burial


    hope this helps

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