
Hi I need to know whats beter to get sick stick garlic or onion under your armpit (Bully promblems)?

by  |  earlier

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  1. you put an onion on your nose same with garlic i think?

  2. dude, both suck. what you need to do is tell an adult ( or big bro ) who wont intervine, but tell you how to solve this problem.


  3. Neither, that'll just keep the girls away from you, avoidance is probably a good idea, if it keeps up report it, you do know its not your fault and these people will go on to another target when they are finished with you, I know dobbing is a hard thing to do, but see the school counsellor and see if theres a way to stop it without you being implicated, and anyway, who gives them the right to jugde you, bullies are only bullies cause they have short comings of their own so they bully others so nobody will find out their weaknesses, dont let them get away with it, they are a/h's and need to be put in their place, have the strength to tell someone and dont put up with it they are whimps in sharks clothing, goodluck! :)

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