
Hi! I was wondering what else could I call my Greek boyfriend besides agapi mou and moro mou?

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  1. many of the answers above said words in the feminine version, meaning when you talk to a girl, since you said boyfriend not girlfriend here are some you can say to him:

    cardia mou (my heart) -- it sounds really nice in Greek, he is gonna love it.

    matia mou (my eyes) - this is very cute also, its romantic in Greek

    glykouli mou (my sweetie)

  2. His name! Persoanlly I would say neither agapi mou or moro mou .... in Greek or English ... makes my skin crawl!

    LOL sorry Sof - always sounds so false when I hear people speaking like that!!! Kamari mou is ok - but not for hubby

  3. mplakamplakamplakatostomaki

  4. asimenia LOL

    Just call him "antra tis zwis mou" heh

  5. i call my girl cardiamu

  6. Zouzouni mou

    Kardoula mou

    matakia mou

    psihoula mou

    ninaki mou

  7. OFF COURSE...all that have been said by all before me is correct and all beatifull sentiments towards your loved one...but if all all fails..just call him..BOUBOUNA..MOU...GAURANTEED HE WILL RESPOND...LOL iam jealous..i remember what was to be in love....spasta..opaaaaa..):)

  8. Glykouli mou (my sweetie).

  9. Glyke mou (pronounced glekae moo)

    Agapoula mou

    Moraki mou

  10. IT'S VERY DIFFICULT : if your name is spiros ...spiraki

    if is nikos ...nikaki

    if is jannis...jannaki

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