
Hi Ladies!! What do you think? ?

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Hi...Ok here's the deal. Me and my man are trying to concieve. I want to test tomorrow (as i will be 12 dpo then) so please dont suggest doing a test. These are the symptoms that ive been having. Bloated belly, slight cramping, a little nauseated, headaches, a feeling of never quite emptying my bladder, swollen b***s, itchy skin, funny feeling in stomach when eating. What symptoms did you have? where there any similar??




  1. Those sound like classic pregnancy symptoms. Another symptom that women don't think about is forgerfulness. Its enough of a symptom to get mentioned in a few pregnancy books. It sounds like you very well could be. Only that test will tell now.

  2. your are pregnant cause this happened to me before.

    you will be okay.

    just take midol with coffee.

    it worked for mee.

  3. I had some cramping but also this happened to me i dont know if it is happening to you. press lightly below your stomach on your pelvis area, is the best that i can decribe it. it was actually hard right there instead of normal sort of soft tissue. this was a week after i tried to concieve and a week before i took my test that came up positive. i dunno just a thought. good luck!

  4. i had all of the above!! ESPECIALLY the headaches!! ugh! good luck i hope you get your baby!!!! =)

    somebody else down there told you to take midol with coffee...ya i hope thats a joke! the only pain reliever you can take safely when you are pregnant is tylenol and NO caffeine which midol and coffee both have...pls dont do that! LOL

  5. i was bloated from day 1 I think!!

    I didnt get nauseas till week 6 but it lasted until week 15 :(

    I had to get up and pee once a night.

    b***s were swollen.

    No itchy skin, no funny feeling when eating and i didn't have headaches, but the hormones can cause that.

  6. I had nausea,sore b***s and I was light headed before I found out at 5 weeks pregnant.

    Good Luck with you test tomorrow!!!!

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