
Hi Muslim women! Do you know this? Do you agree?

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Quran permitts man to beat you until you become obey him! Why don't you quit this religion if consider you as slave?




  1. I'm not a slave and you are taking a tunnel-vision of a single verse, u need to understand it further.  The gist of it says that men are allowed to beat their wives...with a feather!!!!!!

  2. I think it is not only Muslim women, but Christian women as well. I think women tend to make due with what we have. We just keep doing what needs to be done, regardless of the way we are treated. It's a testament to the strength inherent in the female spirit. No matter how much men try to beat women down, women find ways to exert their power and to create beauty in the world.

    It is sad that so many women follow religions that denigrate them. I see women on this forum every day who buy into the notion that God is male and God wants women to suffer because women are somehow bad, the cause of evil etc. Every religion was created by men and it is clear that some men really resent women because women are so powerful, sexually and reproductively. Every religion or society that is patriarchal is so because of the deep seated feelings of fear and inadequacy men have when confronted with the very real female powers of seduction, pleasure, and life-creation.

    Patriarchy is man's attempt to make themselves feel better by denigrating, denying or controlling the power that women have. It is an attempt to make male superiority appear as the natural  order, to make it seem like men are always dominant in the same way that women always give birth. In reality women are more innately powerful. Men have to try harder to create and are more removed from creation and thus life. Men feel like unnecessary adjuncts to women. This explains the prominent woman-hating, male-superiority we see around us every day.  

  3. i think no women should ever follow a religion cause in escence degardes us to the very core , we are nothing more than a uterus to deposit they're filty seed and it digusts me so much i like to kill every man who ever invented religion if they where still alive

  4. how do u know that....have u read quran?

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