
Hi. My fiance lives in USA but he is not a citizen, I live in a south american country. Is it possible ?

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Hi. My fiance lives in USA but he is not an USA citizen, I live in a south american country. Is it possible that we have a Marriage by Proxy? For job issues he cannot travel to get marry, me neither, but for legal issues is convenient that us to get marry as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance for your help




  1. Four states in the United States allow proxy marriages:





    In some of these cases it's limited to members of the US Armed Forces.

    However, for immigration purposes the government will not recognize the marriage unless you actually "consummate" the marriage and you can't do that by proxy.

  2. it is possible. but why would you want to? it would not make you a citizen of the u.s.a. or make him one either.

  3. IF he is living here "ILLEGALLY", he should be deported. WE do not like criminals in our Country. If you want to marry a criminal, WE do not want YOU here, either.

    IF you(or anyone) go about the "LEGAL" methods, to become a U.S. citizen, THEN you would be welcome. But until then, you are not. Some of us, OUR ancestors did it the "LEGAL" way. Is your fiance, or yourself, "better" than OUR ancestors? I don't think so!

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