
Hi My moms blood test shows high ESR(50), high WBC(15000) and low hemoglobin counts.?

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she felt extreme tiredness and was almost sleep for 2 days. Now she is better, not fully recovered. Need to know what the reason could be. She has cough which is been ther for about 6 months now. not sure if related.




  1. a patient has high esr,50 then what medicine he should  be taken



  2. This is Andi, the RN with the grandma with PMR. I pulled up a few websites for you to take a look at and get a little more info about the condition and see if it sounds like what your mom is going through. The sites also list the low hemoglobin (anemia) as part of the disorder. Good luck and I hope these help!

  3. Sounds like it could potentially be Polymyaglia Rheumatica (PMR). This is a condition that flares up and can go inactive. I'm a Registered Nurse and my grandma was recently diagnosed with this. All of the symptoms/lab results you listed fit the bill. I would suggest getting her into a rheumatologist. They typically treat the periods of active PMR with oral prednisone (a steroid that reduces the inflammatory processes). The high ESR and WBC could signify the PMR and the low HGB could be anemia of accute inflammation. My grandma had both and actually had to have blood transfusions in January before she was finally diagnosed. She had the cough and has varying levels of aches/pains. Definitely get your mom into the rheumatologist. I hope this helps! Good luck!

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