
Hi Pitch sound outside--bird or bug??

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I live in Michigan. Today, I was outside, and I heard a very high pitched noise. It was so loud that it hurt my ears (and those with me). It lasted several seconds and then died out, but repeated itself moments later.

Does anyone know if this is a bug or bird doing this? It's definitely not mechanical.




  1. I think it's a cicada they're insects about 2-3 inches long (wings included) That are known for making a loud buzzing noise. It's how they find mates. Here's a link to what they sound like where I live, although I think different types make different sounds.

  2. It's a cicada, but where I'm from, for some reason, we call them 'Locust' they are so loud that they turn their hearing off so they wont become deaf.

  3. it is a bug called a cicada, we have them here in Indiana also, they are very annoying

  4. Yep, you live in the Midwest like we do  in Illinois.  It is probably a Cicada...we have them all over here.  They leave the little crunchy shells on and around trees.  It looks like a bug, but no bug inside.

  5. Sounds like it might be cicadas. (not sure on the spelling) They're these cricket like things that sit up in the trees and buzz up a storm when it's hot outside. They can be very loud!

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