Hi ii people of Saudi arabia
We are moving to Saudi arabia we are Americans and my husband found work in Saudi Arabia so we will be there next week, i have a 17 year old Daughter that does nt want to go,she hates traveling and also the thought of being and living in another country makes her crazy,she doesn't now about the culture because she never been there,she just heres ShiTT from CNN ,i have questions i hope you can ans were !
1.Should the (Hi jab) always be on head ?
2.If someone asked if she is Christian should she answer or not ?
3.In the schools should she were the Hijab ? & Is there any Uniforms ?
4.Do teens have parties there ?
5.Is Saudi arabia safe ?
6.Is there any Activities for teens there ?
Thank you alot for answering my questions,i usually never use Yahoo so i made this account to ask the falow citizens of Saudi arabia.