
Hi What do you need to study at college to do architecture in uni??

by Guest34035  |  earlier

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Also i'm really c**p at drawing so im not sure if i should do it but everyone else seems to want to do nursing an i want to be different. So is it a good idea to go in to architecture if i can't draw?




  1. I know plenty of architects who can't draw to save their lives, so I wouldn't let that stop you.

    On the other hand some facility for communicating your ideas visually is useful, but it comes with practice. Architectural drawing is more about looking, than artistic ability and putting down what you see. Technical drawing is mainly diagrammatic and is easy to pick up with practice - these days it's all done by computer anyway so I find myself with a skill (being able to draw with a rapidograph) that no-one wants to pay for any more. Ditto using a slide rule, but I digress.

    It is a long course, so I  wouldn't see it as a soft option - but if you have an eye for design, a practical organisational bent, and an interest in how buildings are put together it can be very rewarding, not mention an inclination for megalomania

    which I have always found helpful.

    The best advice is to ring up an architects office (or get your career's chappy to do it) so that you can arrange a brief visit and find out what goes on - most architects are nice people and would be happy to give you advice.

    Foer A levels I did English Literature, Physics and Maths - but all my fellow students did a wide range of things. If I was doing it again I would probably do Art, English and maybe something like Woodwork - stuff I feel I would have been able to make use of in later life (my offer from uni was 2 'E's out of 4 A levels including General Studies so pretty much anything would have done).

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