
Hi ...a problem..???

by  |  earlier

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the thing is that i copied my musics and some videos in a CD from my computer and it doesn't work in my VCR player...what to do????




  1. either youdvd player doesn't read data files or you have not burnt ot  the right disc format

    if it's video try a dvd+r ordvd+wr disc

    if you want to mix it and have music and video you will

    have to record it with a dvd or movie editing progame

    but if you just want to put it all on a disc you'll need a dvd player that reads dvd cd rom and data files as well

    sorry if this is a bit confusing but I hope it helps a bit.

  2. VCR? of course it wouldnt you mean your dvd player wont play your cd? you made a vcd or mp3 cd? some dvd players cannot read vcd format make sure that your dvd player is compatible...

  3. You will probably have to go and get some software. what i think you did was burn a data CD and that isn't playable in most players. here are a few options:

    Best: Either Avid's movie editing system

    OR Final Cut Pro & DVD Studio Pro (part of same SW pack)

    Third by far: Adobe's movie program (if they make it anymore)

    Easiest: iMovie '08 & iDVD '08 (sorry, only for MAC though!)

    Here's a good program for HD video too

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