
Hi all, I'm french... What do you think about France ?

by Guest64142  |  earlier

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Hi all, I'm french... What do you think about France ?




  1. Seems like an interesting place.  I'd love to visit it someday and learn a little more about it.

  2. Hi all, I am American.  France and America have a lot in common except in exact opposite ways.  We are both revolutionary countries.  We are both fiercely proud. We are both major contributors to the world culture.  We are both extremists in our view points.  We have so much to learn from each other!

    Every thing America does right France does wrong.  And every thing France does right America does wrong.  If we could take the best of both worlds and throw away the c**p we would have Utopia!

    America needs more compassion and support of families.  France needs to be more "hands off" and let people do it there own way.

    I wish the French weren't so xenophobic.  I wish the Americans weren't so simple minded.

    The best things in France are the Bread, the Pastries, the Bon Bon, the Wine, the Saussisson, and the Fromage.  There are beautiful and intelligent people.

    There is an ugly side of France too:  the alcoholics on the street, the sexism, the arrogance of the Parisians, the stagnation of the economy, the shallowness of how people look at each other.  

    I love how in France education is more important then money.  I love how in France free time is more important then money.  I love how in France family is more important than money.

    The French love to play games, eat, talk, and laugh.  

    I love the trains.

    But there is no space.  People are on top of each other.  People don't stand up to each other; if some one is bothering an old lady, men don't come to her defense.  

    The French cuisine has no spice; in France salt and butter is considered spice!

    I love the North Africans that live in France.  I don't understand why the French dislike them so much.  I have a bigger problem with the French working class; they are loud and grotesque.

    The land is beautiful.  Farms and castles as far as the eye can see.  Small charming villages everywhere. The Alps are so majestic!  They skiing is grand!

    The women are belle, the men can be macho.  

    I call France Nordic Mexico.  It has Latin charm and Germanic sensibility.  

    We have so much to learn from France.

    Je deteste Sarko!


  3. C'est pas un peu une question piege??

    Toi, que penses tu de la France? Et qui penses tu vas gagner les elections?

  4. well i was in paris recently and found the people just delightful. but i cant work out their views on rioters...why they support them and other criminals. totally different culture to mine!

  5. I went there once, it was ok

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