
Hi all, i broke my leg in 3 places playing football 18 months ago?

by  |  earlier

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i have always been quite fit used to run cross country for the county,about 3 months ago i tried to return jogged for the first month,then started playing again,but i seem to pull muscles a lot easier,hamstring+thigh any advice wood be brill




  1. slow steady, i feel for you.

  2. I know you probally don't want to hear this but you should walk for two weeks.  Then pick up the pace and and more distance.  Make sure you stretch and do ice heat threopy.  Ice for at least 20 min three times a day.  The heat just feels good.  I just came of a knee injury and doing that I just had my first soccer practice today it went fine not that much quad pain.  GOOD LUCK  =)

  3. don't try and do to much to quickly it will take time to build the muscle back up......

  4. i agree with jdmase,i also broke my tibula and fibula and had a compound fracture,it took me a long time to even get rid of my limp almost a year,so its going to be a slow process but you will get there in the end,where i went wrong i didn't go to the physio appointments or to the gym,to build the muscles back up,you get alot of muscle wastage when your limb is inactive for a long period,once i did start back at the gym and build the muscles back up i went on to play football again for many years,apparently when healed your bone is even stronger than it was originally so i wouldn't worry about the actual bone,i'd concentrate on building your leg strength back up, good luck with this.

  5. Stopping training probably weakened you. You need to gradually build up to the stamina you had before. Dont work yourself too hard. You probably wont be as good as you were before right away. Slow and steady. :) good luck

  6. having broken your leg it will have weakened and withered your muscles from your back to your ankle , it will have strengthened your opposite leg muscle, so now you will have to do leg strengthening exercises to the damaged leg so that when you run it will be in balance, our body's only work properly when all the muscles fire in the right order if this is not happening the pulls and tears happen more often , i am sorry to say more exercise my friend ,,good luck

  7. Have a run in with Martin Taylor eh?

  8. Don't try to run before you can walk. You will have had a lot of muscle wastage during your period of inactivity. Build your leg back up using resistance training methods and flexibility exercises before expecting it to function properly.

    Good Luck on the road to recovery!

  9. Lift the area where it hurts up. A couple of books under your bed legs, easy!

    Good luck

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