
Hi all! How?

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I am from italy. I admire india for many aspects. So I would like to have help from you... pleeeease!

How can I take more distance from a colleg of my work?? A woman who is 70 years old and very goog at work, very active yet.. but sometimes I feel she is competitive with me!... and she would take me in front of the other person in a "bad light". I want respect her,but I sincerely have to say.. she is a difficolt person.. (I am really sorry for my bad many years I don't speek it!)

Thanks P.S. I am 30 in 4 days




  1. maybe because you forgot to get her a valentines card.


  2. Your best approach to deal with her is to ignore her back-stabing attitude and refuse to allow yourself to get-down in the gutter of filthy rating other employees out. Stick to your guns and just perform your duties to the best of your abilities. Your boss has eyes and can see for him/herself that youy are a good employee and they will not be swayed by tattle tellers.

  3. hola tu tienes mi mismo avatar

  4. well, you could call her your enimey i guess,right? Well ya shes older than you sooooo...Get to know her," you should know your friends but your enimies even better." In many ways show her that you like her show her that you want to be her friend. Buy her a coffee, invite her to your home along with many other collegs whom she likes.

  5. Ask her about her family.

  6. Hello.

    I think the best thing you can do is to be polite and respectful to her no matter what she does to you.  Perhaps she is an insecure person or perhaps she is afraid to lose her job because of her age.  It's very difficult for older people to survive nowadays, especially on small pensions.

    What do you know of her background?  Does she live alone?  Does she have family?  This may give  you a big clue as to what the problem is.

    In the meantime, be nice, no matter what.  If all else this will reflect upon you and your character.

    Thank you for such a good question!


  7. Why would they be working when they're 70 years old?

    Aren't you supposed to retire at the age of 65?
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