
Hi all i'm an italian guy and i want to?

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spend this summer travelling in your beautiful country "on the road". so i want to visit the most beautiful places and work to earn some money during the trip. i have some questions:

1) my plan is to arrive by plain in sidney, then after some time see the east coast(byron bay,brisbane,whitsunday,cairns and barrier reef) then i wanted to go to alice springs and finally arrive to perth. so a friend tell me that for accomodation is better go to backpapers that are more cheaply and however nice(is true?). to visit the east coast is better take a car or take pullman or other?

2)do you know if in the big cities is easy to find a job for young people? is true that for strangers is necessary a special card to work in australia?

3)i'm almost 19 and also if i love my country i'm thinking seriously to leave from italy because find work is becoming very difficult and also live there for the high cost of life. i know that in australia things are better. what about your universities?are expensi




  1. grandissimo, non te en pentirai!

    1 devi applicare PRIMA il working holiday,

    e' IMPOSSIBILE farlo una volta qui,

    esiste il trucco, ma magari a te vedere la nuova zelanda non interessa (devi pagarlo con carta di credito, non prepagata)

    2 il backpacker e' effettivamente la sistemazione piu' diffusa,

    economica e confortevole, non portarti niente di valore perche' e' in condivisione.

    3 il tuo itinerario e' equilibrato e ben studiato,

    se intendi noleggiare una macchina ti servira' una VERA carta di credito, diffida di chi ti dice che basta la prepagata, io sono qui e non ti racconto DOVE mi sia stato suggerito di strisciare la mia...

    4, quando lasci la costa est alla volta di alice springs passerai necessariamente per mt. isa, (una sola strada)

    vienimi a trovare... vivo qui.

    5 parte del tuo visto ti permette di lavorare , nelle grandi citta' c' e' molta richiesta, non farai i soldi ma potrai pagarti la vacanza.

    6 un corso universitario quadriennale ti costera' circa 60000 euro, qualcosa in meno, compreso di vitto e alloggio (dovrai sbatterti un po')

    7 questo te lo regalo: usa foreign, stranger e' un dispregiativo!!

  2. The way to do it is start by getting farm work or vegetable/fruit picking, follow the seasons & travell explore & bring your camera, I came on holiday 27 years ago & love it, contact me when you are to arrive & I will give you the seasons to work & where they are, Enjoy yourself : )

  3. Hi, it's great that you're thinking of coming to Australia.  It's a great place, but a lot quieter than most other places you've probably been to (even in our cities).  Your friend was right about backpacker places, they ARE cheap and the vast majority are great to stay in.  Best to look around the place before you book in though because I'm sure there are some shoddy ones out there, though I've never come across one.

    You will need a holiday working visa to work in Australia.  Because you're from Italy our government has a partnership with yours, so you may be eligible for ( ) if you meet those other requirements ( ).  That means you can work  in Australia if you get that visa granted.  My recommendation would be to go for the fruit or vegetable picking if you're fit and healthy.  If not you could work in the city if you have experience as waiting tables or making coffee.  I wouldn't go for those jobs if you don't have experience.  Of course, our fast food places like McDonalds are always looking for people and are willing to train.

    Our universities are good, and generally give you international accreditations. is about international students coming to study in Australia, whereas lists all of our universities which is helpful if you already know where you want to stay.  Our universities aren't too expensive compared to many European countries, especially with the exchange rate.  You would commonly have to pay the full course fee within the first week of each semester.  Depending on which course you're interested in that might be a struggle unless your parents help you out.

    Another alternative is 'TAFE', which while not a university, has much smaller courses and gets you into the workforce more quickly.  TAFEs are still high quality institutes.  I don't know what information to link you to since you haven't specified what industries you're interested in, but if you google 'TAFE' into and select to search 'Pages from  Australia) you'll get lots of websites and information.

    Good luck!

  4. you can not work in australia with out a work permit

    you can apply for a woeking holiday visa

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