
Hi all what do you think about this info i have received regarding traffic police?

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A bit of useful advice - verified by the Dorset Police .

The number does work from a mobile. This actually happened to someone's daughter.

Lauren was 19 yrs old and in college. This story takes place over the Christmas/New Year's holiday break. It was the Saturday before New Year and it was about 1.00pm in the afternoon, and Lauren was driving to visit a friend, when an UNMARKED police car pulled up behind her and put its lights on.

Lauren's parents have 4 children (of various ages) and have always told them never to pull over for an unmarked car on the side of the road, but rather wait until they get to a service station, etc So Lauren remembered her parents' advice, and telephoned 112 from her mobile phone. This connected her to the police dispatcher she told the dispatcher that there was an unmarked police car with a flashing red light on his rooftop behind her and that she would not pull over right away but wait until she was in a service station or busy area.

The dispatcher checked to see if there was a police car where she was and there wasn't and he told her to keep driving, remain calm and that he had back-up already on the way. Ten minutes later 4 police cars surrounded her and the unmarked car behind her.

One policeman went to her side and the others surrounded the car behind. They pulled the guy from the car and tackled him to the ground...... ..the man was a convicted rapist and wanted for other crimes. I never knew that bit of advice, but especially for a woman alone in a car, you do not have to pull over for an UNMARKED car.

Apparently police have to respect your right to keep going to a "safe" place. You obviously need to make some signals that you acknowledge them I.e., put on your hazard lights) or call 112 like Lauren did.

Too bad the mobile phone companies don't give you this little bit of wonderful information. So now it's your turn to let your friends know about 112 (112 is an emergency number on your mobile that takes you straight to the police because 999 does not work if you have no signal). This is good information that I did not know!

Please pass on to all your friends, especially any females.




  1. This exact same story was on! Same name, too.Urban legend, sorry. Here are two links you should look at:

  2. Heard of this before but its good advise.

  3. Brilliant advice thanks for sharing it....

  4. Most people will already be well aware of 112, it is not a secret!

  5. Great bit ov advice.1 to remember.

  6. Yes, The story has been around for a very long time, fortunatley Have never had to use it, but would like to think it would work if ever needed

  7. As mentioned by fwh, this tale has been around for years. It's another one of those urban legends/myths.

  8. This tale has been around a long time.

    It is an old wives tale and has no basis in fact.

    If there is no signal then you can dial all day and it will not connect.

  9. Thank you.  I'll pass this advice on (I have four daughters).

    They can, at the very least, get the bloke for impersonating an emergency vehicle and attempting to accost someone; and as he was wanted for other crimes he may well be taken out of circulation.

    I'm surprised they didn't do Lauren for using her mobile phone whilst drivingl!

  10. First off that's an urban myth

    Secondly 112 will not work if there is no signal, if there is no signal you cannot dial any number at all

    112 was brought in as an alternative to 999 when phones had diallers and not push buttons to speed up the time it took to dial the emergency services


  11. This is not advice - it is just a STORY!

    It  is made up, just like the Axeman sitting in the back of the parked car or the hitch-hiker who cuts off someones head etc etc - they are all just scare stories.

  12. 112 and 999 are exactly the same, they will connect you to the best signal which ever network your on.

    You can prove this by taking your sim card out. The phone will have no network coverage but as long as your in range of any network you can still ring 999 or 112 in an emergency

  13. That's crackin advice. But i bet the perv only got a warning and is free to roam.

  14. 112 is just the emergency number for the whole of europe. Does exactally the same as 999 just means you know an emergency number for if you were in France or Spain say. Good bit of info about not pulling over for unmarked cars though will have to remember that!

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