
Hi anyone live in Italy, I need help question???

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Hi! If your living in Italy have you heard of a murder that supposedly acured there last week Saturday or Sunday Oct. 21,2006. A woman was shot to death along with a man in his appartment. I dont know the exact detail's but the woman should be in her late 50's or 60's? does anybody know the details on this case or where I can read about it online??? Thanks for your help!




  1. yes, but after the omicide and after the called he`s son, him suicided!

    My english is so bad... sorry!!

  2. I tried to search, I found just this

    Uccide la moglie e si suicida

    Un uomo di 71 anni spara con un fucile, nel Lecchese

    (ANSA) - LECCO, 21 OTT - Un imprenditore edile di 71 anni ha ucciso la moglie con un colpo di fucile e si e' poi tolto la vita con la stessa arma a Rovegnate (Lecco).Licio Parlato, dopo avere sparato alla sua seconda moglie Masumeh Nadiloy di 59 anni, di origini iraniane, ha telefonato ad uno dei suoi due figli per avvertirlo del delitto, poi si e' suicidato. Secondo le prime indagini, l'omicidio-suicidio potrebbe essere attribuibile ai difficili raporti fra i due coniugi.

    21/10/2006 21.08  

    it says that a 71 years old man, Licio Parlato, shooted to death  his iranian second wife Masumeh Nadiloy ( 59 years old) and then he killed himself with the same gun.

    after killing his wife he called his son to advise him about the murder. this happened in lecco.

    I'm very sorry for my english.

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