Question: situations, UGH!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm only 14 yrs old,

and my brother...well... he wants

to have s*x. we've been going out

for about a year now. but idk if its right.

he pushes me around like dirt, and finds

it pleasurable when i'm in pain. i kinda like

this other kid at school *cough* but derek (my

brother) threatened to get some of his buds to rape

and kill him. my brother insists that i'm a man =(

should i give him my love, or leave him for the other

guy who asked me out the other day btw and risk his

life? =(

mom says its normal,

dad doesn't care,

sister just eats mah breakfast,

and brother just sits and laughs.

.. am i just another stupid redneck or what?




  1. I am going to pretend that I did not comprehend that as your brother wants to have s*x with you!!!

  2. oh my goth. are you serious? how do you go out with your brother? thats odd. but no. if you dont like him enough, and are worried its not the right thing to do, dont do it. if your brother is threatening the other dude, dont go out with him either. and your 14 too. i really dont think thats a good age to have s*x. how old is your brother? and just to be curious....why would he want to rape a guy? is that possible?

                         good luck, and do what you think is right.


  3. your family is actually retarded.. i suggest you run away

  4. wtf is this a joke?!

  5. Call childline,samaratins,police,social services.

  6. scary

  7. i bet you're an incsencetial bunch.  

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