
Hi. can any one help...?

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my birthdate 3rd july 1986.. at 18:45 nadiad(gujrat) . wanted to know about my near future changes ?? love marraige and career......... pls help............




  1. hey who eva this, but will this help you in any way?

    Cancerians look for security on the one hand and adventure and novelty on the other. They are popular because they really listen to what others are saying. Their own voices are attractive too. They are naturals for sales work and in any kind of advisory capacity. Where their own problems are concerned, they can disappear inside themselves and brood, which makes it hard for others to understand them. Cancerians spend a good deal of time worrying about their families and, even more so, about money. They appear soft but are hard to influence. Many Cancerians are small traders and many more work in teaching or in the caring professions. They have a feel for history, perhaps collecting historical mementoes, and their memories are excellent. They need to have a home but they love traveling away from it, being happy in the knowledge that it is there waiting for them to come back to. There are few Cancerians who seem to drift through life and expect other members of their family to keep them.

    Romantically, they prefer to be settled and they fear being alone. A marriage would need to be really bad before they consider leaving and if they do, they soon look for a new partner. These people can be scoundrels in business because they hate parting with money once they have their hands on it. However, their charm and intelligence usually manage to get them out of trouble


    Perfect Partners:

    Scorpio, Pisces

    Nearly Perfect Partners:

    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    Like Minded Souls:


    Opposites You're Attracted To:

    Sagittarius, Aquarius

    Learn From Your Differences:

    Gemini, Leo

    Not Your Destiny:

    Aries, Libra

    Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is represented by the crab. Cancer is ruled by the moon which makes Cancerians moody like the various phases of the moon. Like the moon responds to the cyclic and rhythmic rise and fall of tides, Cancerians respond to life's ebb and flow. The element for this sign is water.

    This astrology symbol's biggest strength is the ability to nurture others. They are very compassionate and caring which endears them to their family and friends. They are fiercely loyal. They can appear hard on the outside but this harsh exterior holds a soft and sensitive core that makes them special. Cancerians can be rather clannish towards their family or group.

    Cancerians are the most psychic of the signs. They show a remarkable psychic sensitivity, memories and receptivity to emotional impressions. They can vividly recollect their dreams and often tend to develop an interest in the occult which they move towards naturally

  2. I am sure you have beautiful eyes and you are intelligent . All your life you will be always very lucky for money and jobs . Your career will take a real take off next year ; but this year you will find a job in a very unexpected way . About your love life ; you will have to be patient ; because it can take a couples of years before you meet the right person . I wish you joy and luck

  3. Your a Cancer and if this is what you meant then hope it helps:

    OVERVIEW: Cozy Cancer will have a great year focusing on the home front. So much of your energy will be giving more to your personal relationships and partnerships. Security and home is such an important part of your makeup and will take center stage in your priorities. Being emotionally sensitive to good relationships that are nourishing and loving will help add harmony in all aspects of your life. The changes you experience in your life will be deeply felt and lasting.

    Positive things come from the deep level of attention you give to these transformational opportunities. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication skills and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. It is important for you to maintain a positive self-image the way you define who you are and how you feel about life as you bring your energy out into the world.

    You desire recognition and the more you focus on keeping up a good attitude about your career and life in general, people that you thought overlooked your good efforts will be your greatest and most supportive allies. New opportunities to venture out on your own in business will open up for you, yet if you decide to stay where you are, you will be reaping financial rewards as well. Keep your optimism strong no matter if you decide to move on or stay where you are. Between juggling your own needs and maintaining balance in your relationships, summer will be a wonderful time to get away and take time out for yourself to enjoy relaxing by the sea, swimming and enjoying life.

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