
Hi can any1 reccomend a decent digital camera that can take pics in low light ie nightclub etc Thanks?

by  |  earlier

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I just want 1 to take pics of the kids by day and me and friends on nights out. 1 that records to would be great, but not a must. Oh and 1 where the batteries last more then 5 mins




  1. Inexpensive cameras eat up batteries and have a delay time between pushing the button and taking the photo you want. Hence, in darkened conditions, you will get some unusual unwanted shots.

    Talk to your local camera man (Futuershop, etc.) and pay as much as you can afford for the best recharable battery one. You may need an SLR for those low light photos.

    Those little camers look cheap and they are. You get what you pay for in cameras!  

  2. I have an Olympus Stylus and I don't have any problems with it.  Good Luck

  3. Look on for a camera with the following features.

    * at least a 3x optical zoom

    * one with a strong flash (will shoot out to at least 12 feet)

    * has IS (image stabilization)

    * whose ISO has a range up to at least 1600.

    * uses a Li-ion battery

    * uses SD or SDHC memory cards.

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