
Hi can anyone help me i'm trying to find a lost relative and not having much look on a few web sites?

by  |  earlier

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i have tried genes reunited and search for people. do you know of any other sites or can you tell me if i can put her name on this site as she may be a user and would reconise the name.




  1. if you are in the UK go to

    this is the site for the family records centre in kew just outside London if you are any where near there i suggest you pay them a visit i was there a short while back and got a lot of information for free they were very helpful

  2. eat lots of cereal and pasta! great confidence booster!

    you know...maybe family and friends will come running back to you in no time.ok

  3. The Solvation Army and the Mormons are clever in finding people and relatives. There are other experts too, but i do not know anybody abroad

  4. No do not put her name on this site, Personnel details should not be posted here,

    Try using or just google her name and see what turns up,

    You say you have used genes reunited but what about Friends Reunited.

    Good luck and good hunting

  5. If they are from the US and anyone in the family knows their birthdate and social security number, you can send a letter to the SSA... I did this with my mother and my ex-husband's father. they will send them a letter at the last known address with your letter in it and it is up to them to reply. You must write a letter to SS stating what you want and another letter to the person, SS may read both. They will NOT send letters if they suspect you are harrassing someone or want money from them. They will want to know your relationship and any other information you have about them, such as last known address. Check out the link below, it tells you how to do this (this is on the SSA's official site)

  6. Assuming people register under their real names and list former schools etc, social networking sites like MySpace, Bebo and the like can actually reveal hits in a search.  I once found an old schoolfriend on there through a random search for his name and school.

    Other possible sites include those already mentioned - friendsreunited,, etc., etc.

    Don't confuse trying to find the alive and recently living with genealogy sites.  Many websites are geared towards the long-dead from the 19th century and earlier.  Genes Reunited and many other sites hide details of people listed as living from searches anyway (or they are supposed to), so in many cases a search is doomed to fail before you even begin.

    And the person who suggested The National Archives for finding this information?  PMSL!

    On the other hand, checking the electoral roll at somewhere like is a perfectly sensible suggestion - the only problem being that companies who sell access to it don't tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about who is on it.  There are a lot of people who aren't on the roll because they "opt out" every year by putting a cross in the box when the leaflet comes through the door to be filled in.  The online roll is the "commercial" roll and used by companies to send out junk mail, hence why an increasingly number of people go the electoral roll equivilent of "ex-directory".  No website is 100% foolproof.

    The best recommendation of all is to approach the Salvation Army, who have an excellent reputation in the art of reuniting lost families.  All you will get online is continually frustrated by the Data Protection Act.

  7. try

  8. try the electoral role

    can any family give you any details of where they last lived or worked???

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