
Hi can anyone tell me what is the maximum hp my boat can take?

by  |  earlier

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it is a14ft pride playmate 1984 model




  1. go a 50 tohatsu that should get u up and goin nicely. i wouldnt go any more than that.  mine goes 110kph that is suicidal speed on water.

  2. If the rating plate is gone, use the Coast Guard's guidlines for boatbuilders:

    Measure the transom width and multiply it by the length.

    If the answer is greater than 52, then measure the transom height.

    Transom height 20 inches or greater AND you have remote steering, your max hp is:

    Length x width x 2 minus 90

    Transom height less than 20 inches OR tiller steering, max hp is:

    Length x width x 80% minus 25

    Round your answer up to next multiple of 5.

    So, assuming your playmate is 5 feet wide at the transom (stop laughing, you know what I mean):

    If it's 20 inches high and you have a helm, your max hp is:

    14 x 5 x 2 minus 90 = 50HP

    If it's 15 inches OR you have tiller steering:

    14 x 5 x 0.8 minus 25 = 31 rounded up to 35HP

  3. Back in the days of the Mississippi River Run, I remember seeing 14 and 15 foot boats with twin 225's on them... those were real suicide machines.

    At 14 feet, you are insane if you put more than a 35 on it.

  4. There 1 on e/bay with a 75hp mariner> should be a plate or sticker giving you max hp> Do a web search

  5. If your coast guard safety data plate is gone, you could probably call your local boat shop and ask them ...

  6. Look for the coast guard rating plate.

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