
Hi can someone help my with with dream ?

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hi ok when i was like 5 years old me and my mother lived with my grandmother and grandfather will all i can remember is telling my mom i am goin to bed ok know big deal right well then i was dreaming of this fire like lova coming down and it was very very of i could barly open my eyes then the sun turnd to orange then red then blood red and it was driping blood the air from this place was bad it was like breathing dirt .....

then after all that happend then i seen very pretty clouds and the light was so bring then i seen angels rows and rows of angels and i felf like i was floating and i hard running like horses and it was they were pual white pulling a Roman Chariot then i seen jesus rase his hands and i see spirits going in to the light and am up in the air i look down and i see

that their and spirits leaft behind and then they are just in pain like it hurts them tp be their i think they were burning or something ! they were in alot of pain !o hope someone can help me soon!




  1. Your dream was a revelation of whats to come. Soon Armegeddon will happen causing  the sun to turn blood red and there will be rivers of blood flowing from the war zones. The spirits left behind that have pain are the souls of the people who stood firm holding tight to Jesus even though it cost them their lives. They were faithful to the end and they are now awaiting the time for Jesus to come back and judge their transgressors and release his vengence on them. Then they will be released and enter into Gods kingdom given great glory for the suffering they endured for Jesus's sake. All the Angels and heavenly hosts will be present giving glory to Jesus.

  2. Did, by any chance, your grandparents talk about heaven and h**l a lot? It seems like you were describing h**l first , then heaven. And Jesus, anybody who talks about heaven and h**l knows who Jesus is :)

  3. Maybe your dream means that you will be saved.  That you are going to Heaven.  Or maybe it could mean that Jesus wants you to fully commit your life to Him.

  4. I think that it is God just reassuring you that he is there with you through all the pain and suffering. He will always love you and you are one of his children.

  5. maybe you're meant to be a nun. but really. maybe you're a holy one. it's a call from god. but it's doesn't prove anything but if sumthing happens again, then you HOLY.

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