
Hi could anybody tell me whats good for brightining up my blonde highlights??

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I am on a tight budget at the moment so any tips would be appreciated. thanks to all xx




  1. Rinse your hair with lemon juice then sit in the sun (if you are lucky enough to have some!)

  2. silver toner

  3. as in colouring it or just brightening up what you have?

    if you want to refresh your colour use a product such as clynol reflex - its a silver shampoo that will kill any yellow/brassy tones and give a refreshing "lift" to your already colour hair. (I'm sure there is an alternative in chemists).

    just NEVER use sun-in. this is a progressive dye that never stops working and CAN_NOT be coloured over due to the chemical reaction this produces.

  4. a shampoo  and conditioner for highlighted hair or for blonde hair would be good

    lemon juice can work but its better on natural highlights not dyed

  5. The lemon juice thing is a great idea: do it once a week so your hair gets a really nice and healthy shine.

  6. the best product for this is sun in

    i am glad i saw this i was about to get off and i knew i knew the answer to this :D hope i helped you can get it at wal-mart

    here is a link for it for like $3.00

  7. toners the best bet theres cheap versiond

    lemon juice and sun

    camomile lightens hair use it as a rince

  8. lay out in the sun and ask your stylist to maybe get some color if not you might want to try this swiming sun goes thourgh your hair which makes it a easy workout and hair making

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