
Hi do you think later in 3 or 5 yrs, will there be a new HD format that it will kill Blu-ray?

by  |  earlier

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Hello. Ok everyone knows that history always it repeats itself. Everyone knows that VHS won over against Beta. Then 6 yrs later, DVD format came in stores & it killed VHS. Now, that Blu-ray has won over against HD-DVD, will be a format that it will be better then Blu-ray? That has 80GB or more? That it will be 8 times capacity then DVD? Thanks everyone.




  1. Blu-Ray has won over DVD, yes....but you're overlooking a huge factor here.  The market for DVD's is still a HUUUGGGGEEE majority of the home movie market.  DVD's aren't going to be fully replaced for several years and they certainly haven't been "killed"  DVD's have been around for nearly 10 years already and are still going strong...I think Blu-ray will last a lot longer than 5 years.

  2. In about late December 2008, early January 2009, companies will start releasing a new sort of High Definition television and DVD's in the form of 1440p. It is the highest quality yet but will be expensive for the first year or so.

  3. Blu-Ray is just another step along the definition highway. Of course it will be replaced by something newer in a couple years.(if that long)

  4. as far as audio options a concerned there is no need to replace bluray,but if they introduce another higher definition video format that consumes much more bandwidth then 1080p it will force a change

  5. well i have no idea how old you are but.......the VHS and BETA war you ere talking about.....was settled in the late 1982' i don't think i was 6 years after that when the first DVD appear on the scene???

    besides...the after the japan they came out with the MP3 disc...the small one...kind of like the games for game cube and they said it will be the future...but...someone..develope a research and that revealed that this  Little disc couldn't hold that much's how they create the DVD  which didn't appear in America til the mid 90's.....

    and i think the blu-ray wont be replaced for another 10 years or so......

  6. Every thing gets replaced sooner or later. However, I think Blu-ray will be around for quite a while (it certainly won't disappear in 3-4 years).  After all Laserdisc is still kicking and DVD only surpassed VHS in the last year on a worldwide basis, even though we all think of it as having been the dominent format for years now.

    It isn't clear yet whether Blu-ray will replace DVD as the main physical video format, or simply be an HD alternative, but either way there will be more alternatives (competition) to Blu-ray than we had with DVD.

    Blu-ray MAY be replaced in 2-3 years with a revised version that addresses it's main shortcoming (8 bit colour which leads to banding could be replaced with 10 or 12 bit, and arguably the BT703 colour space which is more limiting than, for example, xvYCC), but I don't see any reason to expect higher resolution any time soon. In addition some type of 3D format based on Blu-ray may arrive in the next few years.

    That all said, Blu-ray is the delivery format, and that could change (Blu-ray 2) or the same content be delivered via one or more alternatives.

    For example, XStreamHD is promising to deliver 1080p/24 fps and DTS-HD audio via satellite download as early as this fall.

    And flashdrive based transfer to home media storage centres could be introduced as soon as 3-4 years from now.

    And none of these address the probability of continued availability of DVDs, and the rapidly developing selection of LOWER than 1080p resolution HD video delivery options (Video on Demand, Apple TV, Blockbuster download service, etc) that could compete with Blu-ray (particularly for consumers that valued convenience over ultimate video and audio quality, or who can't benefit from 1080p (similar to MP3 vs CD)).

    So, I don't really expect a major new higher resolution format any time soon, but I do expect greater consumer choice of how to access various quality levels of video delivery, continued availability of DVDs, and possibly some minor improvements to content quality (such as 10 bit colour and/or wider colour space) and/or experimentation with 3D HD video.

  7. Yep! Probably sooner than we all expected! But its coming... and its coming fast!

  8. I honestly don't know if there should be any incentive to replace Blu-Ray and if there is, I don't think it will be for at least 10-15 years.

    Now, if in 10 or 15 years, there is a notion that we can get elliptical TVs giving us home theater IMAX type viewing, I can see there may be a need for a changeover.

    But honestly I think we've hit a plateau.  I mean what would be the point of putting more clarity into a 52" 1080p HDTV (the largest ideal size for a household)?  Most people can't hardly tell the difference between 720p and 1080p.  I think it'll be even harder to tell between 4x1080p and 1080p which is why 4x1080p I don't think will pick up much ground in home theater.  That's just my thought.

    Blu Ray is more than capable of handling 1080p full HD picture and sound.  Also 100GB Blu-Ray discs are already being developed and will play on most current BD players out on the market right now.  Make that 10-11x capacity of DVD already in development for the current technology.

    My vote is Blu-Ray is here indefinitely until Home theater chooses to evolve again which I think is unforseen at this point.

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