
Hi does anybody know how to save greek basil?

by Guest64196  |  earlier

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i have just bought a greek basil plant that is in very bad condition, never had much luck with plants before, but would really like to try and save this plant. any tips hints or advise would be very welcome :D





  1. It's only an annual, sling it.

  2. It is expensive and often not successful to buy basil as a pot plant. It is far easier to buy a packet of seed and grow a few plants at a time in a pot. Keep it on a warm sunny windowsill, and don't water it too much. You can try re-potting and fertilizing, but really that is more trouble than it is worth.

    Although it is tempting to brush and squeeze the leaves so you get that great smell, don't do it. You will damage the tender leaves.

    Basil is VERY sensitive to temperature and if it goes below 50 or so the leaves will start going brown and will drop off.

    Basil that is too dry has a tendency to flower and go to seed. As soon as this starts to happen, the leaves will start to fall off. Pick off the flower spikes as soon as they start appearing.  

  3. put it in the shadow and give him water and a big pot.  

  4. Basil is an annual plant , you can either plant it in your garden keeping the soil well watered or in a pot , some keep it inside the house on a window sill exposed to the South . pick the leaves off and use them , next year buy another one , or buy a little packet with seeds to start new plants.

  5. Well I bought one too and mine was dying and I was upset because I love the smell of basil so I decided to nurse it.  I changed its pot to a bigger one and put it in compost and I water it every day.  It is seeding now and little seedlings are coming up underneath.  I also tried to give it a "feed" but was too lazy to add water to it and so "burnt" some of the leaves but its doing well in my garden right now though I feel it prefers being inside on the window sill  in direct sunlight.  Perhaps it just doesn't like our atrocious summer ...after all it is Greek   lol!!

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