
Hi does anyone know of an accredited healing course/degree that I can take online?

by  |  earlier

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To include Reiki




  1. I have been teaching Reiki for over 13 years and for 10 years at a local community college, Nursing Ed.

    What I found is:  The student needs proper training and understanding.  Unless the new student has hands on and person to person interaction, they get confused and misunderstand what to do next or what not to do.

    Its best to take most classes in a classroom then expand your knowledge with more information from other areas.  On line works for having to concentrate on memorizing and understanding many details because you don't have the pressure and time frames on you.    Like one of the others mentioned.. Herbs are hard to remember who and what does what. So on line might be best.  Hopefully they teach the contra indications of herbs to western medicine.

  2. I know that there are several programs online. I would only recommend online courses for things that are mostly academic where you have to learn and memorize, like herbs, homeopathy or nutrition.

    While there are many online Reiki courses, I do not recommend doing your first Reiki courses online, as I encounter so many healers who have trouble because they did not get a strong foundation in grounding and self healing in level 1. Once you have received in person training and attunements from a live Reiki master and Ideally received a master level training in your first style of Reiki then learning online is not so bad because you have training and experience as to how to manage the flow of energy.

    Sorry, I do not know the names of any good online programs. Perhaps you can find chat groups on the subject of some of the modalities you are interested in and see what people there have done.

  3. there's Trinity don't have the details with me @ work.

    I'm currently enrolled @ Clayton College of Natural Health.  I wish I would have done my homework on other colleges.

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