
Hi everybody! I`m going to UK as an au pair. Can you advise me smth? family that I found ask me to contact the

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agency, and now this agency want me to make money transfer by Westen Union. How do you think - is it normal? What should I do???




  1. Do a google search on the agency to check out if they are a scam.  Look for what previous employees have to say on them.  I would have thought that the employer should pay the agency fee.

    Have you checked out other agencies to see if it is normal to make a charge to the employee and if so what the charges are.

    Be cautious, do some research before parting with any money.

  2. Hi there! I am German and I went to the UK as an Au Pair a year ago. It is normal that you have to pay the agency for finding you a family.

    A few advices:

    Before you leave make sure that you have a good ensurance... I think you can ask your agency about the details.

    Don't forget to take a few pounds for the first days.

    Try to find out something about the area you are visiting... people, traditions, sights...

    Be as open minded as possible... you will meet many many many new people.

    Above all: don't forget that yu are not a slave or anything for that family... if they treat you bad in any way you can leave... nobody can make you stay there if you don't want it!

    Have a lovely time!

  3. Did they say what you need to send the money for?  It sounds a bit fishy for me. I was an au pair for 6 years in the UK,and they never asked money from me. I had to meet up a person from the agency in person and pay for them for finding a family for me,but that was all. You should ask questions.  If you've paid the registry fee than there should not be anything else to pay for,except your travels,but that's your business to take care of. Be smart,good luck!

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