
Hi everyone, i just joined the debate team and...i need some pointers?

by  |  earlier

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well today, feeling compelled to join an interesting club, i decided to go with Debate. I admit at glances it seems ... relatively not that challenging. But at the meeting today, where the returning members gave a demonstration, I was in absolute aweness. Everything then became more serious. I thought I would get a chance to get used to this before going to compete with anyone...but heh...our first tournament is next weekend and I really dont want to make myself look too much of an idiot. so if anyone could give a few pointers on how to debate efficiently, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.




  1. Get to know the person you will be debating with.  If you find yourself losing over the issue shift the debate over to a personal attack on the person delivering the opposing opinion.  Everybody has a few skeletons in the closet, find them and attack early without any mercy.  Instantly the person will be knocked off guard and won't be prepared to counter attack.  Then you can finish the debate by simply pointing out that you've prevailed over your issue because the opposing point is held by a person that you have completely discredited.

  2. The more thoroughly you know the subject matter the more effective you will be.


  3. Know your topic (both sides).

  4. pointers for a debater

    1. research on the topic of debate; find as many as information you can get regarding the subject; summarize it;point out important facts; figure out possible battling facts and objections of the opposing team

    2. consolidate all facts with your team members;make sure that you don't repeat discussing any premise or fact; it should be well distributed in the group

    3. use simple and accurate words

    4. don't personally attack the opponent;focus on the weakness of the facts given by them

    5. be artistic in delivering phrases; some words needs to be emphasized or delivered with high tone of voice; this creates attention and impression that you are emphasizing something important

    6. interpolate properly; ask questions or refute statement of the opponent philosophically or academically

    7. be short and concise with the speech; don't include unecessary statement; be always sensitive about the time given;others are given time to speak as well

    8. don't base your statements on hearsays; there should be proof or circumstance to justify it

    9. have courtesy and listen to the opponent while speaking; you would get your interpolatory  questions and rebuttals from his statements

    10. be direct and simple in asking questions

  5. bring up the possibility that after this next election that our country may treat this war like a 'giant religious war', afterall,according to the al-jazeera news, they feel they are fighting a 'declared war', when in a sense, we are following the idiotic rules of the united nations and according to the bylaws of the u.n.(1945), if we were ever attacked internally, the u.n. would be disbanned until a declared war was over

  6. What kind of tourney is it and what kind of debate category will you be competing in?  Expository?  Spontaneous?  

    1.  Get some practice time in.  Find a friend (you slightly dislike) and practice burning him/her.  Find colleagues on the debate team that are willing to practice with you.

    2.  For spontaneous debate platforms, you can't prep like expository platforms so you need to become familiarized with the high stress atmosphere of this style of debate.  (I believe you get 15 minutes to prep after receiving a topic sheet.  At least, that's how we competed)  Some spontaneous debates allow for research time so learn how to manage time effectively.  Learn how to effectively outline your arguments without getting lost in the details.  Prioritize your arguments in such a manner where you can at least get your strongest points out if you choke under pressure.  

    Good luck.  It can be a fun experience and will prove to be worthwhile later in life.

  7. Debate is not as much about knowing more about a subject, then being able to remember important specifics in the middle of a debate and being able to make your opponents look stupid.

    Also, you won't learn how to debate on yahoo answers, ask you coach or these returning members

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