
Hi everyone, well my question is about college. I'm 22yrs old is it too late to start college now??

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I know it's never too late but also does it look funny when most of the students are younger than me?? I'm only 22yrs old but people think i'm a lot older and I don't know why. Well thanks for your comments.




  1. Its never too late to get an education. also the college I go to has quite a few military servicemen/women and they are around 22-26 yrs old. besides everyone is too busy with class/homework/work/exams to really take the time to judge if someone is too old for college

  2. I don't think you should worry about what other people think. If you want to attend college you should go ahead and do it. I think you will find that since you are a little older, you will get more out of it than your younger classmates.

  3. No definately not i know alot of people who are 27 and JUST started college...

    GO FOR IT!

  4. Ask me that again once you're IN college, and you've taken a look at your classmates who may range from 18-81!  GO!

  5. I started college when I was 25.  And one of my fellow students started when she was 40.  Who cares if most of the other students are younger?  You have more practical life experience!

  6. well when im 18 im joinin the marines for 3 or 4 years so ill b in ur shoes and guess what girls like older guys so who cares

  7. I'm 24. Some of my classmates are 40+. Your never too old if you really want to do it.

  8. never too old.   Get ur education, you'll be happy u did.  Lots of people go back to school in their 30's and 40's, so you at 22 - no problem

  9. Absolutely not! I'm 44 and going again...  I do feel like everybodies much older sister! LOL

  10. Its never to late, go for it you wont regret it.

  11. No your still really young. Only 43 more working years till retirement. Your still at the beginning of your working life.

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