in the world. I havent really tasted it but have watched so many cookery shows with french recipes. Very frankly from the ingredients used and the method one can surely tell its a very very bland, spiceless and tasteless cuisine. I have tasted thai, Italian, mexican , chinese and mediterranean. I do not think french is the best cuisine and those who agree to it , are doing so just because its fashionable and prestigious to talk about french cuisine. Those who like it have not tasted the real cuisines of the world. I am an Indian and would like to mention here India has diverse cultures and cuisines and the variety of dishes available are countless as in really countless with the diversity and taste!. It is the only cuisine with a lot of nutritional and preferential options. It has variety of tasty options for people who are completely vegan ie who do not even eat milk and milk products. I think Indian cuisine is the best not because I am an Indian but because its simply the best