
Hi everyone can you do survey on this website?

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hi this website seems very good (just for help coz i might go over to ireland and buy one of their horses)

would you tell me what you think of it and their horses and would you rate it out of 10 thanks your making my choice alot easier,.

and by the way i am very experienced in horses




  1. Before you do this, think about it.  Connemaras are wonderful animals, but the cost of traveling to Ireland, purchasing the horse, having it transported back to the USA, going through Homeland Security and the required quarantine might be so expensive it wouldn't be worth it.  Also, you need to consider the fact that the dollar is less valuable than the Euro and that would make an Irish horse even more expensive.  You might want to consider an American horse.  Connemaras are bred right here in the US and a list of farms can be found at

  2. spit in your hand shake thiers and the deals done

  3. hmm hard one. i would say an 8. it lost points for not putting any prices.that helps. still cracking horses .personally i would pick mine from home. so many good or super animals here in Britain and for every one we bring in from another place one of our existing ones gets pushed to the just gota look.    whatever your choice , enjoy your Jammie git lol. x

  4. for tht website, i would give them a 5 or a 6. I looked at the horses that are for sale and most of them aren't broken yet. if u want a horse, you don't want to spend time training it yourself, unless u wanted to do that

  5. I would rate them a 9. They don't list prices, so I can't tell you if they're good for the price. Keep in mind that these ponies live in Ireland and you mentioned traveling there so you obviously don't live there. So you either have to: import the horse (VERY expensive), wait for it to pass through quarintine (like a month), test them out and hope that their good, and if their not, send them back; OR fly there, test out the horses, if you like one, fly back with it, and wait for it to pass through quarintine. Both options are extremely expensive and there's a chance that the pony won't pass through quarintine.

  6. Hm, It's a little fishy that you've asked this question THREE times, so no thank you.

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