...As the hundred teeth approached me at speed, I could smell the stench coming from this 2 foot gapping jaw...I reached over and grabbed the pilots ladder...through sheer fright I kicked out and kicked it on the nose...on its way down it caught the back of my ankle...I was lucky...it just graced me...I still needed stitches and I was left with a 8 inch scar...
I was lucky...but the story dosent end there...2 months later I was in a place called Mihama the other side of Japan. I'd recovered from my incedent...I was asked if I would like to do some overtime...in other words...paint the side of the ship.
I decided to go for it , this time I left my walkman behind...
So, there I was on the bosuns chair painting away and my mate was up on the deck above me...it wasn't long before my mate shouted to me to look below...
As I looked down and saw a white shadow swimming under me...I started to climb up the pilots ladder when the shark jumped out off the water at me... it missed..