
Hi folks, Is there a maximum mileage after which a car can no longer be sold as new?

by Guest56443  |  earlier

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I ask because I am waiting for a new car to be delivered from a garage in the north of england which was supposed to arrive on thurs. - i have just been told that it's not ready -- apparently the garage at the far end (which belongs to a different group/company or whatever they are called) didn't have it ready to be released. I told them I dont want it driven down as I have no control over hows it driven etc.

The problem is that I have an ugly feeling that its being/been used for test drives and I want to know if there are any guidelines on what level of mileage means i can reject the car as not being new.

I have been told that the car is new and has not been used for test drives and i appreciate that it may come with some mileage on -- moving from storage to the garage etc... however if its got more than 10-25 then for me its been test driven, and if they test drive it like i test drove the one i took out then i'm not sure i want it!!!!!

any advice? thanks




  1. either fork up the money for them to flat-bed it to you or get up and go pick it up yourself. they will let you do that. If you are already buing it, there is no limit as long as it is not titled in anyone's name.

    Just relax, you tortured someone else's car like you wouldn't want yours treated, lol

    Luck will bite in the a-s-s

  2. Go down there and check it out.  Don't buy it if you have a bed feeling about it.  Gut feelings are fairly dead on.

  3. Some US states title them used if they are over 200 test driven miles.(WI)  driving from another dealer does not matter, those miles are to be recorded.    I would call your local DMV.   We have a line on our purchase contracts that is filled in on the vehicles we locate so there is never a problem. IT varies but usually is set at 300miles...if it is over that # you do not have to accept it.   If you are really concerned, pay for them to trailer it.   I think you just have "buyers' remorse" them before it is too late

  4. Not sure on the mileage but here in the U.S. the car is new until it is titled.

  5. omg!

    get over it.

    most new cars have some miles b/c they have to be transported or other people looking  at cars test drove it.

    then they know it's fine and i'd say that as long as the wheels or brakepads aren't worn down it's still new!

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