
Hi! friends I m 13 &want 2 become a pilot of international flights ,what 2do plzzz.. tell me soon........

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Hi! friends I m 13 &want 2 become a pilot of international flights ,what 2do plzzz.. tell me soon........




  1. This is an answer I posted earlier to a similar question. I had to edit it a little. Hope it helps!

    Okay, the very first thing you’re going to want to do is find a flight school. Visit these sites:

    You can search all the flight schools in your area. Visit all of them, do some research, and make sure you are comfortable with the one you choose. Go into all of them, meet the people, the manager, see what kind of aircraft you'll be flying in, and just see what type of environment you'll be training in. There are two types of schools, part 141 and part 61. Not to say 61 is bad, but 141 is generally higher-quality. But whether it's 141 or 61 just make sure you're comfortable with your school. The cost to get your private pilot is generally $7,000-$15,000. You do pay for each lesson which usually costs from $70 to $200 depending on the aircraft type you fly. At some schools you can look into student loans, or even washing the planes in exchange for lessons (a few of my friends do this). You attend school as often as you want whether it's 5 days a week, or once every other week. How ever often you want.

    These are the things you will get at flight school: You can solo at 16 (pass third-class medical exam). Then your Private pilot certificate (age 17). After you have your private you can get your instrument and multi-engine ratings (pretty self-explanatory). Then at age 18 you get your commercial certificate (pass second class medical exam, have 250 hours cross-country flight log hours). Now you can choose to become a CFI (certified flight instructor) which is a great way to build up flight time and money. At 18 you can go to college (Embry-Riddle is an excellent aviation-university in the U.S.) and get a four-year degree which is recommended because it will improve your chances of getting hired, but is not required to get hired by an airline. Some pilots will become regional airline pilots to build up flight time but this is not required either. To fly for regionals you need anywhere from 600-1000 hours, but it varies. When you turn 21 you can get hired by a major airline. Some major airlines require however that you have an ATP so the minimum age would be 23 in that case (you would have to get your ATP with a regional). Some major airlines do not have a minimal age and base it off of experience (1500+hours and a college degree).You start out as a F/O, and depending on if there is a shortage of pilots or not, you may or may not be on reserve. (I assume you know what that is). Once you have enough experience as a F/O blockholder, the airline will promote you to captain, again you may start out as a reserve pilot or you might go straight to blockholder. It depends. To become captain you need your ATP (must be 23, pass a first-class medical exam, have 1500 hours).

    Contact me if you have any questions!

    Oh, and to that gretupkid... dude, airline pilots make a sh*tload more than busdrivers. I did my research, and bus drivers only make around 30 grand a year. Airline captains make 200 grand +

    But it's not about the money - people become pilots because of their pation for flying, not because of how much they get paid. Even if the pay was bad (which it is one of the highest paying jobs) that shouldn't be a reason not to become an airline pilot.

  2. well, i would recommend you to go to the flight school of the airline company that you want to be a pilot for the international flights for. take the training, pass all exams, especially the hearing and vision, meet any other requirements, and i think that is it.

  3. Learn to fly in the military... do you have good eyesight?  They require 20/20 vision.

  4. Here is a web site with some insight into the life of a pilot. Also you might want to take an introductory flight lesson to see if you even like flying. I had a student that thought they wanted to learn how to fly but couldn't get over air sickness.

  5. Don't...

    Just be a bus driver... you'll make more money.

  6. well save some cash to pay for school and lessons

    that includes:


    plane (unless you have one)

    probably mechanic...

    You can take lessons im sure at any local kind of airport. If you find a place near you that gives lessons they will have more info on the cost and probably have good advice.

  7. Find good flight instructors.  Avoid flight schools.

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