
Hi friends i want a small speech less than 500 word about the need of education?

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Hi friends i want a small speech less than 500 word about the need of education?




  1. ok maybe my answer is not much of a speech but ill try.

    MY ANS:

    english n chinese why do you need to learn english and chinese? for communicating some people only know how to speak english some only chinese. so we learn to communicate  better by learning 2 languages.

    why do you need to learn math? lets say if u have too many this and that lets say books and u want to count them, u can stack them into rows of 5 or 10. than u can multiply .

    for science lets just say so we can tell more people without education of science about science and ask them to respect mother nature more.

    so thats my ans. hope i helped

  2. Not Good!!!

    How about a 500 word speech about plagerism???

    If this is your homework project,  you should be doing it yourself.  "Friends"  will advise that the best way for you to learn is to make the effort and write your own speech... in your own words.  I understand there are places on the internet that write papers for people..... but they charge money!!!

    Using another person's words is still plagerism.

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