
Hi frnds i m very confused ... my boy frnd is behving very rude with me.. the reason behind ?

by  |  earlier

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is tht he wants to do frndship with one of my frnd ... i told him many times tht she is not ready to do frndship... from 2 mnths we r hving very arguments due to this reason... today we had very big fight... i thing he is behving foolish.. frnds i got irritated nd told him to choose one frm me n my frnd... pls help me.... he said he will atleast try once to do frndship ... i hve decided tht if he would do tht i will never talk to him... m i doing the right thing....




  1. ok now its confusing-i mean does he wanna break up with u or wat?

    if u dont know wat he wants, then go right up to him n ask him right out if he wants to end the realationship. if he says yes, then forget it. dont cry over a person like him who is so mean n a cheat. maybe he wasnt good enough for a girl like u r. so b brave n talk to him straight away. plz be specific in wat u wish to convey

    hope i helped :)

  2. So... why can't he be friends with your friend? I don't think I am understanding lol, maybe he wants to be friends with your friends so that the three of you can hang out from time to time and all have a good time together, along with avoiding conflicts in the future between friends and couples and such..

  3. Definitely, part of a relationship involves honesty and respect. This guy is clearly showing you non, in fact quite the opposite if his idea of doing friendship is what I think it is.

    Find someone to love you for the proper reasons, personality, sense of humour, your honesty, and loving caring disposition, which all come from inside.

    Don't worry about body size, skin colour, ethnicity or all the stuff from the outside that usually can't be changed naturally.

    True love comes from within, with the feelings I mentioned earlier.

    Mike t.

  4. dump him find other BF

  5. yep Don't let him play with your heart.

  6. there is a marble temple in my heart, beautiful white marble. there is a cushion, big white cushion, comfortable, where He sits. I place flowers every time around Him and I burn incens, I cry to wash His feet and I offer all I have to Him regardless of what it is. I usually come with problems because when I used to come out of joy, my heart broke to a point of no more life here and He is HERE as much as THERE, at my marble temple. You approach the Divine with your soul pure, like a child, you approach the Divine to listen, not to argue. And if you argue it is only to bring you closer to Him, you argue that IT came too soon, It came when you were not ready, It came and you dont know what to do with IT...... How do you approach the temple of your heart? Not in the way that I could ever recommend the Divine to enter. If She ever does, you better not call Her a w***e, spit on Her and pretend to be Her teacher that knows all the best, much better than Her, Her so weak and stupid, so immoral and deluded, so uneducated into Holly scriptures and telling Her she should learn how to speak, how to read, how to use Holly languages and tell Her that She should first prove that She is what you have imagined that She should have been like...... Place a washing basing in your heart and start washing your mind if you ever want Her to decide to visit you. Again.

  7. according to my point of view,leave him like free bird and let him know value of yours instead of arguing ,take chance try to actby avoid him,after few days definitely he knows your value,understand if really wants you  or loves you so be happy

  8. Maybe he wants to leave u... Nd no 1 else except u will decide, what ur doin..

  9. jst go ahead gal..dump him...

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