
Hi offers from CTS & accenture.Pz. help me to decide which 1's better in terms of working conditions

by  |  earlier

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company opportunities, support etc




  1. I assume you have just started your career?

    Well, what you like doing? Which one of these companies would provide you opportunites to grow in thos areas?

    Don't go on brand name, rather ask questions to HR of these companies or try to find about: culture, growth, kind of work (is it challenging) etc..

    I answered similar question, check it out:-

  2. Zihaan,

    You must be lucky enough in this world. You have a option to decide between two top level companies while many freshers are still struggling to find a decent job.

    Anyway this is out of topic. As far as your question is concerned ... My suggestion is CTS because of payment structure, future growth prospectus etc;

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