
Hi guys, I'm making an audio comedy script and was wondering if you think it is funny?

by Guest56154  |  earlier

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Here it is:

Hi listeners this is Mike along with Derek, Joe, Tyler and Eric and we’re here to bring you a little audio comedy through this conversation following in just a second...

Mike: So how are you doing today Joe?

Joe: I’m good.

Mike: That’s good.

Joe: Yup.


Mike: So like, what’s so good about it?

Derek: It’s good because he hasn’t killed himself yet! (Quietly chuckles)

Joe: Derek, you need to shut up… My day is good you just don’t realize it because you don’t know what it’s like to have a good day...


Mike: But what was so good about your day?

Joe: Don’t worry about it.

Tyler: Man ya’ll are retarded…

Mike: So white people are retarded now? Am I the only one who finds this racist?

Tyler: I’m not racist, I just hate white people. (heh-heh)

Eric: Hey guys guess what, my name rhymes with yours Derek!

Derek: What a douche.

Tyler: You mean WHAT’S… a douche?

Derek: No I mean Eric’s a douche… it’s a figure of white speech.


Tyler: An ya’ll call me racist, d**n!!

Eric: Tyler, are you trying to become a voice-over for a cartoon show or something?

Joe: Yeah WHY are you trying to sound like Mickey Mouse?

Derek: (chuckles)

Tyler: What’s wrong with Mickey Mouse?? Haven’t you ever seen his girlfriend?

Derek: Yeah I’d so bang her.


Mike: But she has small b***s and ears that stick out.

Joe: And she’s like 3 foot tall.

Tyler: Didn’t she also make her first T.V. debut in like, the 1920’s?

Eric: Yeah if I’m not mistaken, that would make her 80 plus years old.

Derek: Hey dude, at least I get p***y unlike Mike the virgin.

Mike: Yeah I’m sure all the hotties are rubbing themselves over your fungus mushroom looking hair-do (ha-ha) just kidding.

Joe: Hey man what’s wrong with fungus mushroom hair-dos? I used to have one.

Tyler: Nothing at all, I think they’re quite s**y.

Eric: Isn’t a fungus and a mushroom the same thing?

Tyler: No they’re distinctly different. A fungus is a bigger, less smelly type of mushroom.

Mike: I beg to differ. I believe mushrooms are actually bigger than funguses.

Eric: Actually this Encyclopedia Britannica says they’re about the same size.

Joe: And Mike its fungi not funguses you stupid dumb-*** moron.

Mike: Oh yeah.

Tyler: Wow… I don’t think this conversation could possibly get any more whiter.

Derek: Yeah if I’m not mistaken, that’s hate speech and o0o0o0o0o you must be!... “Blinded by the WHITE, revved up like a deuce another runner in the night!”

Joe: Good song.

Mike: For sure.

Eric: I feel it was more superfluous than anything.

Joe: No I feel it was quite necessary. I really feel blinded by my own whiteness.

Eric: Yeah you think YOU’RE white? Look at me I can barely see myself in the winter!

Mike: Yeah you’d probably get hit by a snowmobile trying to shovel a sidewalk or something.

Eric: Hey guys look at this… says that a can of Febreeze contains .3% mushroom extract. So it would be obvious to conclude that mushrooms really aren’t smellier than fungus.

Joe: Dude get over it already and plus, everyone knows that is a conspiracy theory.

Eric: No it isn’t.

Joe: Yes it is.

Eric: No it isn’t.


Joe: Yes it is. And you’re just mad because you can’t find reliable websites.

Eric: I bet you $20 I can find a reliable website within 5 seconds.

Joe: No, it’s already been determined that you’re not good at researching facts dude.

Derek: I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a more retarded argument in my life.

Tyler: If you ask me, this whole conversation has been extremely pointless and Caucasian.

Mike: Tyler you’re just mad because you wouldn’t look good in a cowboy hat.

Eric: I don’t know, I think he would look good in one.


Derek: What a douche.




  1. No broadcaster will let you within 10 feet of the microphone. s**t is still not, and rightfully so, not allowed on the airwaves above North American soil.  Sorry, boys. You have to clean it up to be taken seriously.

  2. and you want me to tell you if it's good ,,,thats  kinda  reminds  me  when  that  hooker proposition me said the  s*x waz free but  i had  to pay her $20 bucks  for hiv ...then  told me  have  a  wonderful day

  3. No. Poor taste in humor. Clean it up.

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