
Hi guys, does anyone know the cheapest way to get from Paris to London? Thanks in advance for any help :-)?

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Hi guys, does anyone know the cheapest way to get from Paris to London? Thanks in advance for any help :-)?




  1. Try the chunnel

  2. I've heard of Ryan Air (or maybe Rian Air) that has really cheap flights FROM the UK.  I'm thinking they have to get back home somehow, so maybe they have cheap flights TO the UK as well.  Use Google or Dogpile to see what you can find out about them.  Their tickets were under $50.- last time a friend checked on it a few months ago.  I've never seen it written so I don't know how to spell it, but try any spelling that could sound like Ryan Air.

  3. Ryanair's quirky pricing system means that sometimes it the cheapest way to get from Paris to London. You have to keep watch on their website :

    But the bus is probably the cheapest way to do it:

    As you can see they advertise fares as low as 18 euros from Paris to London.

  4. Don't take a train, a plane could get you there so much cheaper and faster.

    Try: (or something similar)

  5. Try any of the low-cost airlines.

  6. The airlines are often cheaper I know - but I've also found that if you book a ticket on the Eurostar well in advance you can get some good deals too.

    Being a France resident I prefer the train for travelling to the UK as there is no messing about at check-in and Gare du Nord in Paris is central, which Charles de Gaulle/Roissy airport isn't.

    With regard to the other answers about ferries. The cheap prices are only for a short stay. If you plan on spending more than a few days in France the ferry fare leaps dramatically. The cheapest ferry companies I've used are Norfolkline & Speedferries.

    For coaches... Eurolines is cheap too, but be prepared to have to wait around at London (Victoria) or Paris (Gallieni) coach stations. Neither are nice places to have to wait for long periods of time - especially the station in Paris.

    Coaches have a high tendency to miss any connections as they are always late, and delays can be experienced at both customs at the ports of entry/departure (i.e. Dover or Calais), as the officers there tend to go over coaches and their occupants with a very fine toothcomb.

    Hope this helps!

  7. Sometimes Ryanair (book way in advance to get the cheap tariff from the Internet).

    Euro lines bus frequent daily services but also reasonably cheap connection.

  8. The cheapest way BY FAR is the dover to calais ferry. It costs about 9 pounds per person, without a car and 30 or so pounds with a car. (These are RETURN rates) It leaves, obviously, from Dover and you arrive in Calais. It is a pretty quick journey, under an hour.

    When i was in London, i had a friend drive me the journey to dover so i only paid 8pounds 50 pence. Pretty cheap for a return. I booked it all on the net, i booked through They are cheaper than the p&o crossing ferry.

    Once you get to Calais, there is a train to Paris which was pretty cheap as well, if you don;t take your car on the ferry with you.

    The chunnel or plane is probably more convenient, but the ferry is the cheapest apart from swimming the English Channel!!

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