
Hi guys.I moved USA 8 years ago.My mother didnt want me to move but I did....

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I was seeing her every year for a week or so.She used to tell me one day you will come see I am dead. She passed away last year and my sister who was living with her got very depressed and asked me to come back please and if I dont come back then one day I will come and see she is dead.My wife left me few months ago. My sister passed away 2 weeks ago.More than likely she killed herself because she couldnt take it anymore.I am very depressed now. I am crying all the time. I dont see any future for myself and I have no reason to live but I dont want end up where she did.I dont want kill myself.I have no one left anymore.I am living alone.It is killing me. I used to take medication for depression but I stoped it last week because I couldnt take pills when I saw bags of depression pills on my sisters tabe.I try hard to watch funny movie,going out or anything I can do. I even do meditation but still I am having hard time.Please help me and tell me what I sould do in this situation.Thanks




  1. go on a party

    try to freak out

    this day had to come

    work hard so hard that u dont get time to think

  2. Get back on your meds asap!  Stay away from Yahoo and go see a therapist specializing in depression.  There are paths in front of you that will pull yourself up and actually become productive with your life which includes pride and self respect.  It sounds right now you're guilt ridden from that ambilical cord your mother and your sister refuced to cut. Time to move on and become something better than that. First, get mad and angry!!!!!!!!!! This is the first natural step and phase you need to experience.  Followed by sympathy for your mother and thoughts of your sister who fell victim to what ever they allowed to overwelm them in their lifes. Next, remind yourself every day you are better, take pride on your mission to be the best you can be on all levels, and realize one thing within your core...........self respect. It does'nt matter if you succeed or fail at things, if you look back and say you gave it your best shot, hold your head up high with dignity and plow forward.  It all works out in the end. But cut that cord, it's still attached. When you realize that, you're off and running!!!! It'll take time, just be patient and utilize the support that's there for you. It'll make you stronger, wiser and will elevate your thinking to the next level of never letting anyone make you a victim again !!!

  3. Well first of all you need to get back on your medication . I know it can help you .Just do not go over board and keep getting several different perscriptions for the same thing like she did .  Second of all you need to realize that what happened to your Mom and sister is not your fault .

    I recently left to Morocco to meet My Husband for the first time and while I was there we decided to get married . Our wedding was on January 9th 2008 . Now on January 1 , 2008 My Step-Dad passed away and My family was mad because I did not give up my wedding plans and come right back to Texas . We were married on the 9th and then we setup a huge traditional Moroccan wedding Ceremony .I really was not planning on coming back to Texas . Then My Mother had a stroke about 3 weeks after my Step-Dad passed away . My Brothers claimed it was my fault she has a stroke because I was selfish and did not give up what I wanted and come back to Texas and forget about My husband . That really hurt. Now I ended up coming back to Texas to finish Paying off my house I have here and rent it out , not from preassure from my family . Now none of them speak to me . I am currently waiting on My husband to get his Visa here and after we get the house fixed up we are going back to Morocco or anywhere else in the world we want to go . We have our whole lives ahead of us .

    Now I told you all that to tell you this . You need to realise , as I did , that doing things for yourself and not following the dictates of someone else is not a bad thing .You did nothing wrong in living your own life and doing what is right for you . These people would have died that way they died regardless of how you tried to change things in your own life to meet their needs.  Sure it is hard and sure you are gonna be sad but do not let that saddeness rule your life . Make yourself go out and make new friends . Join a church , join some clubs , volunteer somewhere , anything to get yourself out and about . Decide that you are going to have a good life and you will . I know it sounds corny , but it really works . Take it from someone who has been there . I really wish you good Luck and May God Bless you .

  4. let me tell u something there buddy the same thing happen to me. but each person has to die no matter what its just a way of time u know but do not be worried see will have a long  time to live if she is under age 50 OK so now your problem is solved.  

  5. go out and make some friends to hang out with

  6. Suffering from depression is a very hard thing.  I hope you can find strength to move on "one day at a time". Reach out to people you know that are supportive and hold a positive image about themselves.  Surround yourself with positiveness and negativity will fall by the wayside natuarally.  I am so very sorry for the grief you are feeling and my heart truly goes out to you.  Try to keep your mind busy and focus on "number one" which is you.  Join a club or group of some sort that will help you to feel better about yourself and help to give you strength.  Above all else please don't beat yourself up about moving away from family.  You have a life to live and your the only one that gets to live that life.  When all the cards are stacked against us its like climbing up an icy hill.  It can be done though.  So get those ice picks out and start climbing.  You can do it!  Also remember there are people out there just like you that need support and friends.  Its only a matter of time before you run accross one of them.  Chin up!

  7. go see a therapist they will help u in EVERY way possible

    i am really sorry about ur losses

    but u should go out and find another women to spend u life with the one that left u most likely was not the one for u  

  8. You have lost the three people closest to you, and your reaction is very normal. Don't kill yourself - it is not what your mother or your sister would want.  You may be suffering from clinical depression, in which case you should keep taking your pills, but you might also be suffering what I think is called reactive depression, that is, the natural human response of grief and sadness when suffering loss and bereavement. You also feel bad about not having been there for your mother and sister. That's a good sign: it shows you have inner decency.

    Don't stop taking the pills without seeing your doctor. Do allow yourself to grieve and weep. This is natural and you need to do it.  Lock yourself in bed and cry and do whatever you need to do to get you through this. One day the clouds will lift. I know: I have been through it. When that happens, it's a sign to start getting involved with other people. Don't just go out seeking fun and good times, though - try to contribute something constructive to the world. You will meet a better kind of person than you might in bars, and you will feel better about yourself.

    Good luck. I'm sure your mother and sister are cheering you on from heaven.

  9. YOur an adult, live with it. life happens. You can find happiness if you try. you just need to look to yourself. you will find it there.

  10. Dear Ali Sab!

    I am very sorry to read your saga.

    My story is the same with some difference.

    Hey, my dear boy, after all life is short - make it sweet.

    Everybody has to die one day. Let it come when it is to come.

    Whoever left this world, left for the better. I and You are in the que. Then why to worry man. Try to live a day at a time and remember tomorrow is another today. Whether you want it or not, many unwanted things will happen in life.

    Take my story - I lost my unwanted parents some years back - They never showed love to me and they treated me as an unwanted child - my lovable and godly life died three years back - I became a widower - now I became alcoholic as I don't get sleep easily - I am living with my son who is working and unmarried (he is also depressed but he became introvert) - he leaves the house at 11 am to his work place and returns at 12 night - I am working as Cook, man-servant to my son. To avoid loneliness, I am having internet connection at home. As you see I am spending time by answering questions asked by the people like you. Engage your self with some charity organisations, old age homes, serve the old age people. you will find many things to engage your self. Never think of committing suicide as the same is cowardly act.

    This is enough man. Good luck and all the best.

  11. stick your nob in the blender and give full power

  12. try go to a sycoligist or a theripist. dont kill ur self, im sorry about ur sis and mom. i hope my advice works out

  13. look at this website

    if that doesn't help read the news

    take a look at the world in a different way

    think there are millions of people that have it much worst then you

    at least you have food and shelter some people don't even have that

    try helping others it will make you happyier and better about yourself

    and think its not your fault that your mom and sister died or that your wife left you ok

    its ok to be happy you don't have to act sad just because their gone think of your future your goals do things for yourself

    get married get a life and a familly for yourself and you will see the wonders of life

    hope you get better

    be happy



  14. Wow I am sorry that is a very tough situation. I really think you need to get professional counseling. If you really need anti depressants it is a bad idea to just stop them abruptly. Hope this Helps.

  15. Whenever I am real depressed I go smoke up and that will keep me more positive and laughing, but that's a short term solution to a long term problem in your case. Personally, I love music and listening to my favorite songs or playing guitar also works as a good anti-depressant for me, so I would suggest that you find something or even someone (when and if you're ready) that you love. Just keep going because it's harder to notice good things than bad, especially when you're depressed.

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