
Hi having a little trouble recently broke up with my fiance of 7 years she left n said needed space. for 4 mo

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Hi having a little trouble recently broke up with my fiance of 7 years she left n said needed space. for 4 months now ive been unable to get over her. she has told me how unhappy n depressed she is. lots of things like you wouldnt want me back anyway. only the other day she kept askin me if i was seein any1 n i asked why she said because then i know theres always hope for us. ive been totally honest n told her i love her . anyway the other day i found out shes been seen an old friend of mine for atleast 2 months so i just feel ive been lead on like an idiot so i txt her 2say i wont be botherin u anymore i ddnt realise you were seeing sum1 hope ur happy and take care. she txt bak what makes u think im seeing sum1 else. y know she been leadin me on 4 so long so this is the final straw now. so any help in moving on please advise me. im kinda seeing sum1 else now but need to get the x out my head




  1. If she broke an enagagement off then why would you want her back anyways? Alil inconsiderate to be the least. I think to totally get over her, you'de have to talk to her in person and sort things out. Just get everything out in the open and stay friends. Maybe even a therapist could help

  2. Oh man, bro. You gotta move on. You don't deserve to be put on the backburner like that, just like how she shouldn't be either. I got out of a 5 year relationship with the same things that you had, she said she wanted some space, but she started seeing this drama actor guy.

    Don't let her keep you on a string like that. I broke out, and when i finally did, she tried to climb back on. That ship had sailed for me, and I couldn't be happier with my girlfriend now. Don't let yourself go back, you'll only get hurt more.

  3. Dude, this is not rocket science!!

    everytime a girl tells you that she needs space,

    it means she's sick of being with you.

    that's their nice way of sayin, i wan2 break up.

    of course she've been seeing ohter peeps, she just wont admit cuz she feels bad for you.

    she've probably been cheating on you for a while b4 she has the gots to tell you she needs to move on.

    so yea, be man and tough it out.

    i know it's been  7years, long time. but it's over.

  4. yes its one of those cases where she does not want you so she is seeing someone else. However, she does not want someone else to have you either. She has been leading you on keeping you loving her just in case things do not work out for her she can go right back to you.

    It is time to move on, leave her alone, go out meet other people there is someone much better out there for you.

  5. Why didn't you marry her in the 7 years you had her?

  6. Make a clean break.  You won't suffer so much.  

    She is giving you mixed signals.  She wants you on the string while she dates someone else.  

  7. I have a question... why were you engaged for 7 years to begin with... I am sorry if this question comes off judgmental, I am just very curious... I can understand 2 or 3, but not really 7. Maybe she was depressed for the lack of commitment that seems to be in this relationship... she may still love you but wants some stability and commitment... and I know that if I were engaged for 7 years that I would be feeling a little sad, confused and strung along myself.  

  8. It sounds like she doesn't want you to find out, so you won't be hurt. If she was unhappy and depressed then you two just weren't right for each other. The only thing that is going to help is time. Go out with your friends, try something you always wanted to do but maybe the fiancee didn't like. Develop some new hobbies. You'll feel better, it might take a little while. Don't jump into another relationship too quickly, you'll just end up comparing the new girl to the ex.  

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